Providing Exceptional Dental Care in Nantwich

Riverside Dental Practice is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care in Nantwich. Our experienced team offers a wide range of dental services, from routine check-ups to cosmetic treatments, all delivered with a focus on patient comfort and satisfaction.

Meet the Team

Practice Management

Tayla Galt

Practice Manager
Registered Dental Nurse


Mark Eddleston

Dental Partner
Dentist BDS Bristol 1996

Vinit Khanna

Dental Partner
Dentist BDS Lond 1999

Andrew Rees

Dental Partner
Dentist BDS Dund 1995

Vicky Griffiths

Dental Associate
Dentist BDS Liverpool 2007

Steve Marshall

Dental Associate
Dentist BDS Plymouth 2013


Clare DeVaal

Hygienist, BSC in Oral Health Science 2004

Sophie Parker

Senior Hygienist, Diploma in Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy ( Liverpool 2009)

Jayne White

Hygienist, Diploma in Dental Hygiene (Birmingham 1999)


Registered Dental Nurses

AJ Cameron

Registered Dental Nurse

Gill Ford

Registered Dental Nurse

Jeanette Healey

Registered Dental Nurse

Lydia Gilford

Registered Dental Nurse

Trainee Dental Nurses

Esme Clarke

Trainee Dental Nurse

Brittany Mcall

Trainee Dental Nurse

Daisy Plumbley

Trainee Dental Nurse

Jodie Welch

Trainee Dental Nurse

Administration Team


Reception Team

Carolyn Fisher

Reception Team

Julie Benbow

Reception Team


Amy Dunn

Reception and Decontamination Lead

Autism Friendly Practice

We are a autism friendly dental practice. We understand that going to the dentist can be a very stressful experience for those on the autism spectrum. At Riverside Dental we aim to make all dental appointments as stress free as possible for both the patient and the carer.

Below you can find some useful information that can help prepare the patient for the dental appointment. You can also take a look at our storyboard that we have specially created to reduce stress and to enable patients to understand exactly what is to be expected at the time of the appointment or visit.

Amy is our Autism champion and is on hand if any patient requires any assistance. Amy is also trained in Makaton communication. 

Join us for exceptional dental care and a healthier smile. Book your appointment today!

© 2024 Riverside Dental Practice